Media Appearances and Publications
In the last couple years I have started to make some media appearances and have been expanding on my writing. Here you will find a few of those appearances and written works. This my be helpful for some to get an idea of what it might be like to work with me, how I sound, and a bit of how I would present stylistically. Keep in mind, these appearances are not exactly how I would work as a clinician. They also are for educational purposes and should not be a substitute for therapy nor should they be construed as medical advise.
Podcast, Radio, and Video
I had the pleasure to be featured on the podcast, Smart Sex, Smart Love with Dr. Joe Kort. I discussed men and body image. The November 11th, 2019 episode of Smart Sex, Smart Love – Chris Wilson on Men and Body Image can be listened to on any apple or android devise or through following link: Be sure to check out other great podcast segments by other amazing professionals with Dr. Kort.
Facebook Live
I spoke with Zach Bulls of Gay Men Thriving once again. We talked about attraction in male/male relationships, what makes for good sexual intimacy, and so much more. Check it out.
I had the pleasure to speak with Zach Bulls of GayManThriving on gay/bi male relationships and sexuality.
In 2018 I was able to speak on LGBTQ youth issues on the Educational Lawyers Sunday School Show.
Book Chapters and Articles
Book Chapters
I have written a chapter on the early years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the text Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans at Risk, Volume 3. The book can be purchased on amazon
I have written a few articles over the past few years. A couple haven been for the Philadelphia Metro. I also wrote an article on bisexuality for the column Sexuality Matters in the Delco Times in February 2013.